Beyond the Walls


Beyond the Walls Programming

Extend the experience: Grenoble Art Up! goes beyond the walls of Alpexpo.

Grenoble Art Up! aims to be a unifying event in the field of contemporary art, highlighting the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and its cultural structures.

Grenoble Art Up! enriches the visitor experience by orchestrating an exhibition outside the walls. It also puts the spotlight on the abundant offerings of the region’s museums.
For this first edition, 3 museums and art centres from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region are joining us. The Fonds Glénat, Magasin-CNAC and the VOG are offering special tours of their temporary and permanent exhibitions to coincide with the fair. These visits will help to ensure that the Grenoble Art Up! experience lasts beyond the fair, as well as raising Grenoble’s profile as an influential cultural and artistic player.


Discover the Beyond the Walls tour:

The Glénat fund for heritage and creation

Glen Baxter, so British! (from 15 February to 20 July 2024) and the Rembrandt Cabinet, Women in Rembrandt (from 15 February to the end of 2024)


The Convent of Sainte-Cécile celebrates the 400th anniversary of its foundation by the Bernardine nuns in 1624. Desecrated during the French Revolution, this heritage building in the heart of Grenoble’s historic centre is home to Glénat, France’s 7th largest publisher. The Sainte-Cécile convent is open to the public, thanks to the general interest missions and cultural events programme developed by the Fonds Glénat pour le patrimoine et la création.

Currently on show are the Glen Baxter, so British! exhibition and season 5 of the Rembrandt cabinet, a small museum devoted to the etchings of the Dutch master of etching, Women at Rembrandt’s.

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Le Magasin - National contemporary art centre

from 28 June to 20 October 2024

Benoît Piéron – “Stars or Storms”


Le Magasin – National contemporary art centre, and the municipal library of Grenoble present the exhibition “Stars or Storms” by Benoît Piéron. For the first time, an important selection of the artist’s works, along with new pieces created for the occasion, is being showcased. The exhibition merges the exhibition space and library, transforming their uses and teams for the public.

Titled as a homage to the mountaineer Gaston Rebuffat, the exhibition evokes imaginary ascents in the whiteness of bed sheets. The Magasin CNAC thus becomes a temporary library, a “tourist office for immobile travelers.”

Piéron’s work explores childhood and illness, facilitating escapes through reading and daydreaming. “Stars or Storms” reflects his artistic imagination and responds to the temporary closure of two neighborhood libraries near the art center.

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VOG - Fontaine Contemporary Art Centre

from 18 May to 6 July 2024

Sarah Battaglia – FORCES NÉES


A graduate of the Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Annecy, this French artist works in drawing, sculpture and printmaking. She questions our connection to the world of nature and the living, which is often neglected in our society.

To create her works, Sarah Battaglia patiently collects, draws, moulds and models organic and plant debris such as feathers and hairs, in search of traces of other lives.

The artist tries to re-enchant the wild, to draw our attention to what is natural, to show its strength, beauty and fragility. These sculptures are reminiscent of the cabinets of curiosities, with objects that are preserved and repaired despite the mystery they evoke.

At VOG, she presents her exhibition under the title FORCES NÉES, which refers to the ambivalent forces of the living, those that animate, make and unmake with gentleness and sometimes brutality. The exhibition brings together a group of recent works, a personal narrative that attempts to understand our cohabitation with a wild part of the world that is dwindling. Each sculpture, each form embodies a dialogue, or perhaps a simple warning of all that can be lost.

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Come to Grenoble Art Up! 2025

La Nuit de l'Art

On Thursday evenings, the Grenoble Art Up! nocturne offers an evening of exchanges with artists through meetings and live performances.


Grenoble Art Up! offers a number of different areas for you to enjoy the fair in a convivial atmosphere:
- Champagne bar: enjoy a glass of champagne from the Moet et Chandon range
- La fine Fourchette restaurant: to discover a varied menu of hot dishes
- A food court: for savoury and sweet fast food.

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