


Laurent Mulot is the author of a so-called generic work conceived as an organic architecture encompassing all his works. It is entitled Middle of Nowhere, which is also the Nowhere containing Now and Here. The artist works on particular territories and with the humans who inhabit them.

The work draws on performance, photography, video and sculpture, and is generally exhibited in the form of an installation offering a journey through these different media. It is also an electronic work that can be consulted on mofn.org.

For this prestigious exhibition, Laurent Mulot is presenting two parts of Middle of Nowhere: SÉRIE AUGENBLICK 2011 and SÉRIE LAWAL QUILCAS.

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – Shadock Blues

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – Alice goat eye

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – Alice street by night

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – Alice sweet home by night

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – Atlas electric Field

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – Ferney-Voltaire France 20h 20’ 08’’26 octobre 2010

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – Meyrin suisse, 1h03’20’’ 23 novembre 2010

Laurent Mulot, Augenblick – St Genis France 23h55’00’’22 novembre 2010

Laurent Mulot, Lawal Quilcas – Portrait de Alvarino Cheuquehuala, agriculteur Mapuche

Laurent Mulot, Lawal Quilcas – Don Manuel Mariqueo, ébéniste Mapuche

Laurent Mulot, Lawal Quilcas – Che Mamüi, et le chien

Laurent Mulot, Lawal Quilcas – Los senderos de la memoria 1

The ÉSAD•• (École Supérieure d’Art et Design) is a public institution of higher artistic education with two sites, Grenoble and Valence. It awards degrees in Art and Graphic Design at Licence (DNA) and Master (DNSEP) levels.

As part of the Curatorial Module offered this year by the ÉSAD•• on its Grenoble site, a team of students has been able to develop through various projects a single-scale approach to the exhibition.

For ArtUp!, the idea is to exhibit the work of artists and graphic designers who will be graduating from ÉSAD••‘s DNSEP in 2022 and 2023, and thus to contribute to the development of young artists from our region.

Drawing on a selection of works submitted in response to a call for projects, the curatorial team is offering a landscape of forms, created in recent years or produced specifically for the occasion, reflecting a diversity of practices.

Paintings, sculptures, videos, performances, dreamlike worlds, poetry, social criticism, everyday emotions and transcendent experiences are all on show at the fair or at special events during the exhibition.

Clélia Farnoux – One way

Maélys Faure – Oui, peut être

Agathe Guignard – Du cœur

Amar Ruiz – Que faire ?

San Zagari Vaxelaire – AMNESIS

Gaëlle Hubert – Réflexion

Lisa Collin – Dispositif pour une poignée de mains

Haomin Chang – Puy de la Gagère 01 et Puy de la Gagère 02

Anaïs Jagoudet – Les choses

Malan – L’Allergie

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